The Australasian Diabetes Data Network (ADDN) has been awarded a further year’s bridge funding to continue the development of the…
The AURIN platform had over 800 new users in April 2019. This is the largest increase since official record keeping…
Several new projects are happening within the Melbourne eResearch Group: Multiple-objective Genetic Algorithm support for teaching and learning in the…
Congratulations to PhD candidate Yali Zhao for the recent acceptance of her paper: Y. Zhao, R.N. Calheiros, A. Vasilakos, J….
Congratulations to PhD candidate Tri Minh Truong for his recent publication success: T. Truong, A. Harwood, R.O. Sinnott, S. Chen,…
The AURIN portal has now been accessed over 155,000 times since the project commenced. (Data provided by the Australian Access…
The School of Psychological Sciences at the University of Melbourne have continued to support and leverage the resources of the…
Congratulations to former PhD student Shuo Wang for his recent publication: S. Wang, R.O. Sinnott, C. Rudolph, S. Nepal, P-STM:…
G. Shen, Q. Li, Y. Jiang, R.O. Sinnott, D. Lin Z. Guo, Y. Wang, Chunk-Level Request-Grant-Transfer Mode for QoE-Sensitive Video…
Congratulations to Yikai Gong on the presentation of his PhD Completion seminar: A Big Data Infrastructure for Real-time Traffic Analytics…