The School of Computing and Information Systems at the The University of Melbourne has extended the current contract for teaching…
As usual the Masters students did an amazing job in the 25pt dissertation projects. Some of the more interesting scenarios…
Congratulations to PhD candidate Tri Truong for his recent publication success: T. Truong, A. Harwood, R.O. Sinnott, S. Chen, Performance…
Congratulations to PhD candidate Yikai Gong for acceptance of his recent publication: Y. Gong, R.O. Sinnott, S. Chen, P. Rimba,…
Congratulations to Masters students Fang Wu, Wenbin Chen and Ziyue Guan for acceptance of the publications: Z. Guan, R.O. Sinnott,…
Congratulations to Melbourne eResearch Group visitor Haiyang Yu for his recent publication: H. Yu, Y. Can, R.O. Sinnott, ID-Based Dynamic…
Congratulations to Dr Yang Lu on the recent completion of her PhD now accessible at: Great job Yang!
The Melbourne eResearch Group now have a new lanyard advertising their presence at the entrance to 333 Exhibition Street. Prof…
The Melbourne eResearch Group have two new projects / collaborations with researchers in the Faculty of Business and Economics and…
Former visitor Shanshan Chen had a paper recently accepted. S. Chen, X. Zhou, G. Zhou, R.O. Sinnott, Distributed Data Load…