Many Masters students supervised by Prof. Sinnott gave their presentations yesterday. As usual there were many amazing pieces of software…
The ENDIA study was selected to be showcased by the NHMRC in their #HelpingOurHealth campaign to raise awareness of the…
The Melbourne eResearch Group have been commissioned to extend the VicSpin platform for the Doherty Institute. This platform is used…
Many congratulations to Shuo Wang… “Dr Wang” for the successful evaluation of his PhD thesis. The examiners were very complementary…
Many breakthroughs in research can only be achieved through global collaboration and pooling of resources for the common good. One…
Some (10/57) of the 2018 Cluster and Cloud Computing students gave their presentations today. The teams were randomly selected to…
Congratulations to former MSc student Chang Liu on the recent success of his publication: C. Liu, R.O. Sinnott, A Platform for…
Congratulations to former MSc student Yang Hong on the recent success of his publication: Y. Hong, R.O. Sinnott, A Social…
Congratulations to PhD candidates Yang Lu and Shuo Wang for their recent publication successes. Their papers to the A-ranked conference …
Congratulations to Shuo Wang for his recent publication: S. Wang, S. Nepal, R.O. Sinnott, A Privacy-preserving Semantic Annotation Framework Using…