Qing Li, Nanyang Huang, Yong Jiang, Richard Sinnott and Mingwei Xu, Scale the Data Plane of Software-Defined Networks: a Lazy…
The Melbourne eResearch Group are involved in a new project funded by the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning…
Congratulations to former Masters students Lu Chen and Yiru Pan for the recent acceptance of a paper based on their…
Congratulations to former Masters students Donghan Yang, Xueyang Ding and Zhenyuan Ye for their best paper award at the Australasian…
The Melbourne eResearch Group (MeG) have been awarded follow on funding for two major diabetes projects with clinical researchers across…
A. Stell, V. Chauhan, R.O. Sinnott, Secure Audit in Support of an Adrenal Cancer Registry, 13th International Conference on Health…
Congratulations to Dr Yikai Gong on the award of his PhD! Well done Yikai…!!!
K. K. Kim, D.W. Allen, T. Briese, J.J. Couper, S.C. Barry, P.G. Colman, A.M. Cotterill, E.A. Davis, L.C. Giles, L.C….
Prof Sinnott and former Masters student Pei-Yun Sun gave several talks at the IEEE/ACM BDCAT conference in Auckland, New Zealand….
Prof Sinnott was on a panel at the Victoria Comprehensive Cancer Centre related to The Digital Future of Cancer Research…