Z. Wang, A.J. Stell, J.P. Soto, R.O. Sinnott, e-Consent in Biomedical Research Registries: A GDPR-Compliant Approach Explored in the Context…
December 6, 2023 Read more
Z. Wang, A.J. Stell, J.P. Soto, R.O. Sinnott, e-Consent in Biomedical Research Registries: A GDPR-Compliant Approach Explored in the Context…
Congrats to former Masters student Siqi Zhong for her publication success: S. Zhong, R.O. Sinnott, Real-time Route Planning to Reduce…
J. HolmesâWalker, M.B. Abraham, M. Chee, T.W. Jones, ADDN Study Group, Glycaemic outcomes in Australasian children and adults with type…
Y. Liu, R.O. Sinnott, Automated Assessment of Excessive Inbreeding of Dogs based on Deep Learning, IEEE Conference on Computer Science…
S. Gong, R.O. Sinnott, J. Qi, and C. Paris, Fake News Detection Through Temporally Evolving User Interactions, Pacific-Asia Conference on…