Level 5, Melbourne Connect, 700 Swanston Street, Melbourne, Vic 3010, Australia


Total number of projects (since 2010)
Total Grant Value in AUS $ (since 2010)
Grant Value to UniMelb in AUS $ (since 2010)
Grant Value to MEG in AUS $ (since 2010)

The MeG team build upon an extensive track record in delivery of highly successful research-oriented IT projects across a variety of disciplines. Wherever possible we build directly upon the results of these projects from a software perspective, but more importantly from a software engineering perspective to support the development and rollout of software solutions. We summarise the current portfolio of projects here and some of the previously completed projects involving the MeG staff to give an idea of the depth and breadth of research-oriented IT that we build upon.  Many of these projects are for University of Melbourne researchers. This is made possible through an internal grant scheme funded through the Melbourne Collaborative Research Infrastructure Program (MCRIP) program to support a research software-oriented platform: Platform for  Research Software Systems (PRESS).  Where funding  allows, the MeG team work across and support PRESS projects.

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Mobile applications for Patients with Non-Aldesterone Producing Cortical Adrenal Adenomas (NAPACApp) is a project to develop patient-focused mobile applications (both iOS and Android) for patients with adrenal tumours. The apps allow to record a variety of information on patient quality of life. This system includes support for secure storage and visualisation of data and its combination with other clinical and treatment data sets.


Helicopter Aircrew Training System (HATS) Infrastructure Development is a commercial project funded by the Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO) that runs from September 2016 to May 2017. The focus of this work is in extensions and refinements of a scheduling system for training and tracking of helicopter pilots required by the defence forces of Australia. This will provide an Australia-wide system that can support current and future training needs and demands of helicopter pilots in the army, navy and airforce. This work also includes support for mobile applications.

VicHealth Front-end data analytics environment

VicHealth Front-end data analytics environment is focused on developing a web-based user oriented-interface for VicHealth to support secure access to, analysis and visualisation of their 2016 VicHealth survey data. This data includes responses from over 25,000 Victorians on aspects of their health, wellbeing and social interactions. This work builds upon the VicHealth API project.

ARCHER Victorian Historical Population Register

ARCHER Victorian Historical Population Register is focused on developing a web-based database to support access to and transcription of historical data sets (scanned and typically hand-written images) from Victoria including birth certificates, death certificates and marriage certificates. This includes citizen science transcription capabilities and advanced visualisation capabilities of the results.


Complex System’s Modeling Platform (CSMP++) provides a hybrid finite element – finite volume tool for solving multi-physics problems in geometrically complex spaces. This work includes establishment of a new build and deployment environment including support for Cloud and GPU exploitation with advanced user interfaces.


Public Record’s Office Victoria (PROV) is focused on developing the technical infrastructure for (PROV) to manage their data/metadata in a scalable architecture. This includes practical deployment and documentation/training on the optimal use of technologies such as MongoDB and Solr for data management, storage and associated analytics.

VicHealth Security-Oriented API

VicHealth Security-Oriented API – is focused on developing the technical infrastructure for (VicHealth) to support a security-oriented API that allows access to their unit-level data in a securitised and privacy-preserving manner. This includes access to individual level responses from over 25,000 Victorians on aspects of their health, wellbeing and social interactions. This work builds upon the previous securitised solution developed through the AURIN project, but extended with richer analytical capabilities and the 2016 data sets.

Environment Determinants of Islet Auto-Immunity mobile applications

Environment Determinants of Islet Auto-Immunity mobile applications is a project funded by the University of Adelaide to develop patient-focused mobile applications (both iOS and Android) to capture longitudinal dietary information on pregnant women at risk of having children that go on to develop type-1 diabetes.

Secure Data Solutions for NeCTAR Research Cloud Biomedical Communities

Secure Data Solutions for NeCTAR Research Cloud Biomedical Communities has been funded to develop a range of mobile applications to support the NeCTAR-funded endocrine genomics virtual laboratory (endoVL) along with genomic/variant and microbiome database solutions.


Integrating VOMS and PERMIS for Superior Grid Authorisation (VPman) project involved the integration of the Virtual Organisation Management Service (VOMS) software with the Privilege and Role Management Infrastructure Standards Validation (PERMIS) software. It showed through a range of case studies how improved security across a range of domains (including the clinical trials domain) could be supported. A paper describing the outputs of VPman is given here.