Level 5, Melbourne Connect, 700 Swanston Street, Melbourne, Vic 3010, Australia


Total number of projects (since 2010)
Total Grant Value in AUS $ (since 2010)
Grant Value to UniMelb in AUS $ (since 2010)
Grant Value to MEG in AUS $ (since 2010)

The MeG team build upon an extensive track record in delivery of highly successful research-oriented IT projects across a variety of disciplines. Wherever possible we build directly upon the results of these projects from a software perspective, but more importantly from a software engineering perspective to support the development and rollout of software solutions. We summarise the current portfolio of projects here and some of the previously completed projects involving the MeG staff to give an idea of the depth and breadth of research-oriented IT that we build upon.  Many of these projects are for University of Melbourne researchers. This is made possible through an internal grant scheme funded through the Melbourne Collaborative Research Infrastructure Program (MCRIP) program to support a research software-oriented platform: Platform for  Research Software Systems (PRESS).  Where funding  allows, the MeG team work across and support PRESS projects.

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Online Subject Guide

Online Subject Guide (OSG) provides a web-based platform that allows for course subject content information to be captured and shared. This platform is now used actively by many academics at The University of Melbourne as the basis for creating University Handbook information for their courses.

Creative Learning Units

Creative Learning Units (CLUES) supports the design and delivery of educational content along with its alignment with the learning outcomes of students.

SEMA IV-VI Extensions

SEMA IV-VI extensions (SEMA3) is a mobile application and backend Cloud based infrastructure used for social science surveys and delivery of survey instruments. This is a collaboration with researchers in the School of Psychological Sciences.

Science of Learning Intervention Measure

Science of Learning Intervention Measure (SLIM) provides a rich online educational resource that can be used to provide targeted interventions and ongoing and continuous assessment of learning objectives of students and teachers alike.

National Bushfire Dashboard

National Bushfire Dashboard provides a dashboard and web application with back-end infrastructure related to bushfire related data sets in Australia. This includes complete fire history data, air quality data, hospital admissions data, rare and threatened species data amongst many other data sets.

National Air Quality Platform

National Air Quality Platform provides a web application and back-end infrastructure for collecting and analysing air quality data from across Australia from official organisations such as the Environment Protection Agency in Victoria, Queensland and the Australian Capitol Territory and the Department of Planning and Environment in New South Wales.

Metadata Management for Confidential Records

Metadata Management for Confidential Records is a project with Researchers in the School of Population Health focused on making unit record data more visible and accessible through a web-based platform.

Team Analytics with MGSE

Team Analytics with MGSE is a project with the Melbourne Graduate School of Education exploring how teams collaborate online to achieve specific goals. The work involves natural language processing of team chat and identification and classification of information used to achieve specific goals.


AthenaLite is a commercial project funded by the Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO) that runs to May 2020. The focus of this work is the development of a scheduling system for training and tracking of resource personnel required by the defence forces of Australia. This will provide an Australia-wide system that can support current and future training needs and demands of defence personnel in the army, navy and airforce.

SoL (Extension)

Science of Learning (SoL) Extension has been funded by researchers in the Melbourne Graduate School of Education to enhance a web-based platform to support research into education and especially interventions that can improve educational outcomes.