Professor Richard O. Sinnott is the Director of eResearch at the University of Melbourne and Professor of Applied Computing Systems. In these roles he is responsible for all aspects of eResearch (research-oriented IT development) at the University. He has been lead software engineer/architect on an extensive portfolio of national and international projects, with specific focus on those research domains requiring finer-grained access control (security).

Dr Glenn Tesla Jayaputera is the deputy director of Melbourne eResearch Group and platform manager for the PRESS project. He has over twenty-five years of experience in the software domain including project management, software development, business analysis, systems architecture, design and implementation, as well as operations support and maintenance. Glenn’s research interests are in the area of distributed artificial intelligence and software agent systems.

Luca Morandini has been working on software development and geo-spatial technology since graduating in Statistics in 1991; first as an ESRI employee, then as a free-lance consultant, and currently as a member of the professional staff at the University of Melbourne. He is currently working as a Data Architect, developing big data solutions to research problems.

Philip joined MEG as the statistical geospatial specialist for the AURIN project. He previously worked in the architecture and planning industry where he lead the development of a GIS integrated software application to view and analyse 3D city models for local government. He has also worked as a quantitative researcher in biostatistics and international child health, where he developed software for novel statistical analysis techniques. He holds a BSc(Hons1) in Mathematics.

Since graduating from the university of Glasgow in 2005 with a MSci in Computing Science Christopher has been involved in various forms of eResearch. Firstly at the National eResearch Centre at the University of Glasgow and now with the Melbourne eResarch Group. Christopher has worked on projects from a diverse range of fields including Bioinformatics, Proteomics, nano-scale CMOS, Urban Research, and web security. Aside from research Christopher has many years of experience managing computing infrastructure from hardware through to deploying complex research applications.

William Voorsluys is a Senior Software Engineer at the e-Research Group, where he specialises in research and development of large scale distributed systems, service oriented architectures, and geographic information systems. For the past 3 years, he has been involved in the Australian Urban Research Infrastructure Network (AURIN), developing a workflow-management system that powers the platform’s analytical tools, as well in other software engineering projects. William holds a PhD in Computer Science (Cloud Computing) from the University of Melbourne.

Ivo Widjaja is the Data e-Enabler at Melbourne eResearch Group. He is responsible for various aspects of eResearch application development at the University, with specific focus on interactivity and usability.

Anthony Stell is a clinical informatics developer in the eResearch group at the University of Melbourne. In this role he is responsible for the project management and technical development of several advanced registries supporting clinical research in various domains such as adrenal cancer, spinal trauma and traumatic brain injury.

Ghazal Karami is a senior software engineer within the Melbourne eResearch Group (MEG). She has worked on a range of projects within the eResearch team including AURIN. She has formerly worked in such fields as GIS, Enterprise Resource Planning and medical fields.

William Hu is the Senior software developer of Melbourne eResearch group. In this role he is responsible for developing the “Environmental determinants of islet autoimmunity” (ENDIA) project and the “International Niemann-Pick rare disease registry” (INPDR) project.

Jiajie Li is a full stack software engineer with a Master of IT (2015) from the University of Melbourne. He works on many diverse projects with specific focus in the domains of health and construction.

The system-administrator for the AURIN project, although he actively supports many other eResearch projects. His work involves supporting the continuous delivery and deployment of complex software systems to Cloud environments,

Alwyn is a software developer in the Melbourne eResearch Group at the University of Melbourne. He is currently completing his (part-time) Masters at the University of Melbourne. He started working for the eResearch Group in 2016 and has since worked on projects such as the Victorian Historical Population Register (ARCHER) and projects with the Centre for Systems Genomics at the University of Melbourne.

Anthony is a clinical informatics developer in the Melbourne eResearch Group at the University of Melbourne. He is also completing the final year of his Bachelor of Science with a focus in software development. Anthony started with the eResearch Group at the start of 2015, and works to enhance and extend the capabilities of several international clinical registries.

Zeyo Zhao is a full stack software engineer with a Master of IT (2014) from the University of Melbourne. He works on many diverse projects with specific focus in the areas of health and education.

Dr James Jayaputera is a software developer working on the IARPA funded SWARM project. He has a PhD from Monash University and has worked as a software engineer on a range of application areas including email archiving systems, library authoring systems, deep packet inspection and web application integration.

Rio is a software developer in the Melbourne eResearch Group at the University of Melbourne. He started working for the eResearch Group in 2017 on the SWARM project as a mobile application developer.

Jinyoung is a software engineer at the Melbourne eResearch Group. He completed his master’s degree in computer science at the University of Melbourne in 2017. He has previously worked for MeG on a range of projects including the IARPA-funded SWARM and DSTG-funded projects. Also, his prior work in the industry focused on developing cloud-native applications for banking and financial services.

David is a software developer in the Melbourne eResearch Group at the University of Melbourne. He is currently working towards completing his Master of Information Technology degree, with study focused in the realm of distributed computing. He commenced work with the eResearch Group in 2017.

Farzad is a software developer in the Melbourne eResearch Group. He is finalising his PhD thesis at the University of Melbourne. He has worked on a range of projects including spinal cord injury platforms, sensor network projects with VicRoads and mobile applications in the type-1 diabetes domain.

Yunjie Jia is a software developer in Melbourne eResearch Group. He completed his masters in IT at the University of Melbourne in 2018. He is currently working on projects in the machine learning and web application areas.

Sina is a business analyst in the Melbourne eResearch group at the University of Melbourne. He joined the eResearch team in 2019 and has since worked on projects involving distributed AI as well as a defence-funded project involving scheduling and optimising trainee career paths. Sina holds a PhD in computational mechanics from Monash University.

Yang Liu is undertaking a Master of Software Engineering at the University of Melbourne. He is currently working on defence related projects in the area of human resource planning.

Wan-Yun (River) completed her Master of Information Technology at the University of Melbourne in 2019. She started working for the Melbourne eResearch Group in 2020 on the Smart Ortho project as a web application developer.

Ernesto is a software engineer in the Melbourne eResearch group. He completed his masters in Information Technology with the Human-Computer Interaction specialization in 2020. Very enthusiastic about novel interactions and user experience, he is currently working on web applications related projects.

Ran (Rose) completed her Master of Information Technology at the University of Melbourne in 2021. She started working for the Melbourne eResearch Group in 2021.Passion in app development and data science related areas.

Maxim is a software engineer at the Melbourne eResearch Group. He completed his Masters in Information Technology (Artificial Intelligence) in 2021 and is currently working on a project focusing on non-fungible tokens. He is passionate about novel applications of Machine Learning and AI in industry.

Shilong Wan (Robin) completed his Master of Information Technology degree at the University of Melbourne in 2021. He works on defence related projects in the human resource planning domain.

Zhe (Zoe) completed her Master of Information Technology at The University of Melbourne in 2021. She is currently working on health related projects and has an interest in security, privacy and Cloud-based big data analytics.

Jean Paul is a software developer with more than seven years of experience in IT projects. He is currently completing his master’s in IT at the University of Melbourne. In Melbourne eResearch Group (MEG), he works on medical projects such as the rare disease software (EuroWABB) and the knee joint replacement web application (SmartChoice).

Vedant is a software engineer in the eResearch Group. He is currently pursuing his PhD focusing in Software systems and Cybersecurity. He started with eResearch Group in 2018 and working on enhancement, maintenance, and security of clinical health registries.

Yubo Sun (Andrew) is a software engineer at the Melbourne eResearch Group. He completed a Master of Information Technology (Computing) in 2022 and is currently working on defence related projects in the area of human resource planning.

Chin is a software Engineer in the Melbourne eResearch Group at the University of Melbourne. He graduated from University of Melbourne with a Master Degree of Information Technology in 2018. He is currently working on a project funded by Defence Science and Technology Group.

Jingcheng Wang is a software engineer at Melbourne eResearch Group. He completed his Master of IT degree at the University of Melbourne in 2018. Prior to joining MeG, he has worked for several labs across the university in areas such as web development, image processing and human-computer interaction.

Xin Zhang graduated from the University of Melbourne with a PhD in theoretical computer science. After years of writing papers and playing with mathematical formulas he decided to pursue a career as a software developer, exploring the practical side of computing and engineering. He joined Melbourne eResearch group in April 2022.
He is currently working on the backend for a web application, focusing on solutions for outputting data from a large-scale time series simulation.

Julius is a software engineer at the Melbourne eResearch Group. He completed a Master of Information Technology (Computing) in 2022. He is currently working on defence related projects in the area of human resource planning.

Chengwei Zhang is a software engineer at the Melbourne eResearch Group. He completed his master of IT degree at the University of Melbourne in 2020 and is currently working on defence related projects in the area of human resource planning

Alejandra completed her Master of Information Systems at the University of Melbourne in 2023. She has more than 4 years of experience working within the IT industry and has been working at MEG since April 2023 on various projects related to data engineering and software development. She is passionate about applying data analytics and machine learning in the medical and environmental fields.

Bin Liang is a software engineer in the Melbourne eResearch Group. Currently in the final semester of the Master of Software Engineering program in 2024. He started working for the eResearch Group in 2024 and is currently working on health-related projects.

Wei Zhao is a software engineer in the Melbourne eResearch Group. He is a final-semester student at Master of Software Engineering in 2024. He started with the eResearch Group in 2024 and is currently working on health-related projects.

Zuo Huang is a software engineer in the Melbourne eResearch Group. He submitted his PhD thesis at the University of Melbourne. He started working for the eResearch Group in 2024 and is currently working on health-related projects in the areas of deep learning and computer vision.