Congratulations to former Masters students Gaojie Sun and Hongzhen Xie for their recent publication success. The paper “A Crop Water…
Congratulations to PhD candidate Mona Alshardan for acceptance of her paper “Exploring Micro and Macro Level Appropriation of E-learning Platforms:…
The Melbourne eResearch Group have been commissioned to work on another internally funded project. This project focuses on developing a…
The AURIN portal has now been accessed over 100,000 times – actually it has been accessed 100,276 times! (Data from…
The AURIN project now has over 8350 users with over 600 new users in the last month alone.
The AURIN platform is nearing a unique benchmark in terms of number of users – just below 100k user sessions….
Congratulations to former Masters student Jiankun Rui for the paper based on his dissertation that was accepted for the IEEE…
Several new projects are now happening in the eResearch Group. These include: Cognition Oriented Treatments Online Repository (COTOR) is a…
Congrats to Sehrish Kanwal on her completion seminar. Just the final edits to the thesis to come! Great job today…
Congratulations to Shuo Wang for (yet another!!!) publication. His paper “Privacy-Protected Statistics Publication over Social Media User Trajectory Streams”, S….