Level 5, Melbourne Connect, 700 Swanston Street, Melbourne, Vic 3010, Australia

New projects

Several new projects are now happening in the eResearch Group. These include:

Cognition Oriented Treatments Online Repository (COTOR) is a project that runs from July 2017 – March 2018. The CoTOR is a research and knowledge translation/dissemination tool focused on evidence for the efficacy of cognitive interventions for older adults. At the core of the CoTOR will be a comprehensive database of methodological features and summary results from all relevant trials in the field. The CoTOR strives to be the most detailed source of information on design and methodology of relevant trials.

Research Capability Mapping (RCM) is an internally funded project that runs from September to December 2017. The RCM project has been established to develop a tool that will allow the University of Melbourne to better understand the capability it has within its researchers and research partnerships. The tool will be used in multiple scenarios – however, the initial focus of the project will be to develop a prototype that acts in support of the Business Development (commercialising research) group. The additional scenarios will include: Institutional (whole of UoM); Divisional (faculties/institutes); and, Individual (the researchers/academics). The work will be initially be driven by University academic related research publications but will eventually include grants and other activities.

Drone analytics platform Phase II has been funded by the University of Melbourne to support data analysis of crop data captured through unmanned aerial vehicles (drones). This platform will be used to process aerial data on crops using large-scale Cloud infrastructure. This work will be used for example to identify crop issues and ways in which improved agricultural methods can be supported .

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