Level 5, Melbourne Connect, 700 Swanston Street, Melbourne, Vic 3010, Australia

New publication

The eResearch team involved in the AURIN project have published a new paper on some of the more advanced security solutions that have been developed to access and use unit-level data.

R.O. Sinnott, C. Bayliss, A. Bromage, G. Galang, Y. Gong, P. Greenwood, G. Jayaputera, D. Marques, L. Morandini, G. Nogoorani, H. Pursultani, M. Sarwar, W. Voorsluys, I. Widjaja Privacy Preserving Geo-Linkage in the Big Urban Data Era, Journal of Grid Computing, June 2016.

This work has also spawned a new grant and collaboration with VicHealth.

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