Level 5, Melbourne Connect, 700 Swanston Street, Melbourne, Vic 3010, Australia

There’s an app for that…

The ENSAT-CANCER project has its first mobile applications nearing completion. This app is for patients with specific types of adrenal tumour (Non-aldosterone cortical adrenal adenomas (aka NAPACA)). This app allows users to enter information on the daily issues they may be facing with the treatments that they are currently undergoing. The data that is collected augments the existing rich clinical/biomedical data that us collected through ENSAT-CANCER. This app is currently in beta testing in the App Store and will be released as an Android App in due course.


Other apps that are nearing completion are apps to collect data on females with (suspected) Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS – www.pcosdatabase.org). This app is used to collect a range of patient-reported information that helps to both improve the data collect of patients with PCOS and importantly to allow more time for clinicians during consultations to spend with patients (since extensive data can be collected prior to meetings). This app is currently in the final phase of development in both the iPhone and Android platforms.


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