Level 5, Melbourne Connect, 700 Swanston Street, Melbourne, Vic 3010, Australia

Lung Cancer and Air Quality workshop

A workshop took place at the University of Melbourne on 16th February involving lung cancer and air quality experts from across Australia. A range of presentations were given on the clinical impacts of air pollution; the legal frameworks that are required (and don’t exist!) for enforcing air quality standards; the things we should be measuring (and don’t!), the role of advocacy as well as the technical solutions that allow access to and use/integration of diverse data sets: pollutants, traffic emissions amongst other things. A demonstration showing the functionality of the AURIN platform was made. This included the distribution of actual lung cancer patient data from the Victorian Lung Cancer Registry and how the local context of what we know of pollution in those areas could be made to contextualise/help understand lung cancer patterns. The event itself was organised by Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, the Lung Foundation, Victoria Comprehensive Cancer Centre and the University of Melbourne with specific thanks to Clare Walter from PeterMac.

Details of the workshop are available at http://lungfoundation.com.au/national-air-quality-and-health-meeting/. Further events are planned and activities around citizen science for personal pollution monitors.

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