Level 5, Melbourne Connect, 700 Swanston Street, Melbourne, Vic 3010, Australia


Team page is a perfect sample to present your team on your website. Scalia comes with 3 different styles to present your team collegues on your pages. And of course you can enchance your sidebars with team widgets. Just choose the team category to be displayed & the style – that’s all!
Prof. Richard Sinnott
Director of eResearch Group
Dr. Glenn Jayaputera
Deputy Director of eResearch Group
Luca Morandini
Cloud Architect
Philip Greenwood
Technical Implementation Manager
Christopher Bayliss
Senior Software Engineer
Dr. William Voorsluys
Senior Software Engineer
Dr. Ivo Widjaja
Senior Software Engineer
Anthony Stell
Senior Software Engineer
Ghazal Karami
Senior Software Engineer
William Hu
Senior Software Engineer
Jiajie Li
Software Engineer
Hossein Pursultani
System Administrator
Yao Pan (Alwyn)
Software Engineer
Anthony Kremor
Clinical Informatics Engineer
Zeyu Zhao (Jason)
Software Engineer
Dr. James Jayaputera
Senior Software Engineer
Rio Susanto
Software Engineer
Jinyoung Kim
Software Engineer
David Meggyesy
Software Engineer
Farzad Khodadadi
Software Engineer
Yunjie Jia
Software Engineer
Sina Sinaie
Research Fellow
Yang Liu
Software Engineer
Software Engineer
Ernesto Alejandro Calderon
Software Engineer
Rose Duan
Software Engineer
Maxim Priymak
Software Engineer
Shilong Wan (Robin)
Software Engineer
Zhe (Zoe)
Software Engineer
Jean Paul Vera Soto
Software Engineer
Vedant Chauhan
Software Engineer
Yubo Sun (Andrew)
Software Engineer
Chin Raun Wong
Software Engineer
Jingcheng Wang
Software Engineer
Xin Zhang
Software Engineer
Julius Kerstien
Software Engineer
Chengwei Zhang
Software Engineer
Alejandra Abril Pareja
Software Engineer
Bin Liang
Software Engineer
Wei Zhao
Software Engineer
Zuo Huang
Software Engineer

Collaboratively administrate empowered markets via plug-and-play networks. Dynamically procrastinate B2C users after installed base benefits.


  • Support specialist
  • Web designer
  • Account manager
  • PHP programmer

Efficiently unleash cross-media information without cross-media value. Quickly maximize timely deliverables for real-time schemas. Dramatically maintain clicks-and-mortar solutions without functional solutions. Aenean ut mi maximus, pulvinar enim at, pellentesque nisl. Praesent ac nisl id odio varius vestibulum. Sed ut purus viverra, efficitur tellus tempor, tempus leo. Dramatically maintain clicks-and-mortar solutions without functional solutions.

Completely synergize resource sucking relationships via premier niche markets. Professionally cultivate one-to-one customer service with robust ideas. Dynamically innovate resource-leveling customer service for state of the art customer service.Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

UI Development
Usability & Design

Error: Contact form not found.

Proin consequat vel elit et laoreet. Duis ullamcorper, neque ut commodo dignissim, arcu nisi posuere nunc, quis dictum tellus felis et neque. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque a nibh id mi convallis posuere sit amet quis elit. Vivamus vitae neque at orci volutpat porta. Aliquam cursus finibus tincidunt. Quisque vitae lacinia ex. Sed eleifend nibh eget turpis fermentum, ac egestas risus mattis. Aenean ut mi maximus, pulvinar enim at, pellentesque nisl. Praesent ac nisl id odio varius vestibulum. Sed ut purus viverra, efficitur tellus tempor, tempus leo.

Ut eleifend orci id mattis dapibus. Nam vehicula nisl fringilla erat malesuada faucibus. Duis quis enim sit amet quam aliquam dignissim. Vivamus sit amet libero vel velit pharetra blandit.

UI Development
Usability & Design

Error: Contact form not found.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam eget dignissim magna. Ut scelerisque eros nec consequat accumsan. Cras eu hendrerit dolor. Praesent tempor placerat eros in bibendum. Morbi placerat lectus a lorem fermentum feugiat. Praesent mauris mi, tempus eu neque non, convallis ultricies metus. Curabitur malesuada leo tortor, eget posuere augue volutpat et. In augue lectus, euismod ut venenatis posuere, semper et lectus.

Aliquam pellentesque eu augue sit amet ullamcorper. Morbi at lacus id nibh elementum consectetur. Donec sagittis, enim ac efficitur aliquet, est quam pellentesque lorem, ut pretium nibh magna ornare lacus. Aenean felis lorem, pharetra scelerisque sagittis sit amet, malesuada eu eros. Morbi sed imperdiet dolor. Morbi nec egestas felis. Aliquam rhoncus aliquam dui vitae interdum. Nullam scelerisque quam id erat feugiat dictum. Integer pretium, ante eu aliquet suscipit, dolor ligula euismod libero, ac dictum tortor arcu eget massa.

Sed placerat rutrum euismod. Duis vitae orci lobortis, mattis dui quis, aliquam dolor. Aliquam bibendum odio a neque commodo aliquet. Curabitur scelerisque lectus a lobortis accumsan. Suspendisse nec nunc sit amet augue aliquet maximus. Nullam suscipit quam augue, non rutrum sapien vulputate eu. Quisque vitae lacinia ex. Sed eleifend nibh eget turpis fermentum, ac egestas risus mattis. Aenean ut mi maximus, pulvinar enim at, pellentesque nisl.

Error: Contact form not found.

Aliquam dictum, libero in fermentum cursus, tortor mauris suscipit nunc, sit amet blandit purus libero vel est. Proin rutrum, enim rhoncus lacinia egestas, orci arcu laoreet tortor, eget tincidunt ex mauris id metus. Nunc eget dui ut ex feugiat varius non sit amet elit. Pellentesque ut libero non justo consequat tempor. Sed scelerisque egestas turpis, quis tristique enim bibendum et. Curabitur ut erat vitae ante sodales hendrerit. Quisque vulputate est ac placerat egestas. Donec vitae commodo dui. Aenean congue porttitor dignissim. Aenean eleifend lacus ut velit ultricies tristique. Sed bibendum orci in neque porttitor, vel cursus tortor pharetra. Aliquam pellentesque eu augue sit amet ullamcorper. Morbi at lacus id nibh elementum consectetur.Fusce non varius leo. Integer tempor tincidunt nulla in posuere. Phasellus euismod quam dictum nisi commodo tempor. Morbi magna libero, blandit eu elit in, congue dignissim enim. Quisque sagittis luctus nisl, sed pellentesque nulla venenatis vitae. Aliquam pellentesque eu augue sit amet ullamcorper. Morbi at lacus id nibh elementum consectetur.

UI Development

Error: Contact form not found.

Efficiently unleash cross-media information without cross-media value. Quickly maximize timely deliverables for real-time schemas. Dramatically maintain clicks-and-mortar solutions without functional solutions. Copletely synergize resource sucking relationships via premier niche markets. Professionally cultivate one-to-one customer service with robust ideas. Dynamically innovate resource-leveling customer service for state of the art customer service.


Term sheet convertible note colluding bootstrapping. Engine cross platform responsive design OAuth.

Metadata Management for Confidential Records
Metadata Management for Confidential Records

Metadata Management for Confidential Records is a project with Researchers in the School of Population Health focused on making unit record data more visible and accessible through a web-based platform.

Team Analytics with MGSE
Team Analytics with MGSE

Team Analytics with MGSE is a project with the Melbourne Graduate School of Education exploring how teams collaborate online to achieve specific goals. The work involves natural language processing of team chat and identification and classification of information used to achieve specific goals.


AthenaLite is a commercial project funded by the Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO) that runs to May 2020. The focus of this work is the development of a scheduling system for training and tracking of resource personnel required by the defence forces of Australia. This will provide an Australia-wide system that can support current and future training needs and demands of defence personnel in the army, navy and airforce.

SoL (Extension)
SoL (Extension)

Science of Learning (SoL) Extension has been funded by researchers in the Melbourne Graduate School of Education to enhance a web-based platform to support research into education and especially interventions that can improve educational outcomes.

SEMA3 (Extension)
SEMA3 (Extension)

SEMA3 – mobile application for social science surveys (extension) is a project to develop mobile applications and associated web application and back end database for delivery of survey instruments. This is a collaboration with researchers in the School of Psychological Sciences.


ARES is a commercial project funded by the Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO) that runs to May 2020. The focus of this work is the enhancement of two previous systems (CAT/WASP) for training and tracking of resource personnel required by the defence forces of Australia. This will provide an Australia-wide system that can support current and future training needs and demands of defence personnel in the army, navy and airforce.


BetterBrains has been funded by NHMRC to establish a web based platform to address the hypothesis that a person-centred, multi-domain lifestyle intervention can slow cognitive decline over a 3-year follow-up period. This is a major collaboration lead by the Florey Institute and builds on projects such as ORCA.

Victorian Flu Surveillance (Extension)
Victorian Flu Surveillance (Extension)

Victorian Flu Surveillance Extension has been funded by the Doherty Institute at the University of Melbourne to enhance a platform support surveillance of flu outbreaks across Victoria. This system is to be used by GPs to record patients with flu and/or flu-like systems.

Suicide Tracking and Clustering through Social Media
Suicide Tracking and Clustering through Social Media

Suicide Tracking and Clustering through Social Media is project with researchers in the School of Population Health focused on identifying individuals on social media where the individuals have committed suicide. This requires access to large scale historic social media data with specific focus on Twitter

ADDN Phase 3 (Extension)
ADDN Phase 3 (Extension)

Australian Diabetes Data Network Phase 3 Extension (ADDN) has been extended by the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF). The project established the first Australia-wide paediatric and adult type-1 diabetes registry. This system includes data extracted from a range of major hospitals/diabetes centres across Australia and New Zealand.

ENDIA (Extension)
ENDIA (Extension)

Early environmental determinants of pancreatic islet autoimmunity: a pregnancy to early life cohort study in children at risk of type-1 diabetes (ENDIA) extension was funded by JDRF to establish an infrastructure for collecting information on pregnant women at risk of having children that go on to develop type-1 diabetes. This project extends the work for a further year.


PanelApp is a project that allows for the curation of gene lists by multiple users with the intent of unifying disease-associated gene lists (which ones to sequence for a given disease) as part of the support for national sequencing initiatives. This work is a collaboration with Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre researcher.

Supporting the School of Psychological Sciences (Extension)
Supporting the School of Psychological Sciences (Extension)

Supporting the School of Psychological Sciences (extension) has been funded to support the research-oriented IT needs of the School of Psychological Sciences at the University of Melbourne. This includes development of mobile applications and web applications/databases.


Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm (MOGA) is a project to realise a web-based platform to support teaching and learning in the School of Engineering.


TRAKA is a project funded by Chancellery at the University of Melbourne. It focuses on development and delivery of a platform for tracking strategic commitments and expenditure of the Deputy Vice Chancellor Research in a range of projects and activities across the University.


CoCoCo is is both a language and a server designed to help social scientists (particularly social psychologists, cognitive psychologists, and economists) run large scale, near-real time experiments with fine-grained control over experimental logic without having to worry too much about concurrency, blocking, allocation, etc. This is a collaboration with researchers in the School of Psychological Sciences at the University of Melbourne.

Autonomous Resilient Agents
Autonomous Resilient Agents

Autonomous Resilient Agents is a project funded by the CSIRO and Agent-oriented Systems group as part of the Science and Industry Endowment Fund. It concerns the implementation of team-based distributed systems to support the deployment of robust and resilient autonomous systems. The field robotics environment is both dynamic and unpredictable where communications may be intermittent, and availability cannot be relied upon. Such systems should ideally work in a coordinated, team-based manner with vehicles or other sub-systems of varying capabilities that collectively work to achieve common goals. This project runs to May 2021.

Generic Athena
Generic Athena

Generic Athena is a commercial project funded by the Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO) that runs to May 2020. The focus of this work is in extensions and refinements of a scheduling system for training and tracking of resource personnel required by the defence forces of Australia. This will provide an Australia-wide system that can support current and future training needs and demands of defence personnel in the army, navy and airforce. This work also includes support for mobile applications.

SCIS (Extension)
SCIS (Extension)

School of Computing and Information Systems Teaching and Learning Support (SCIS) extension is a project to extend a range of applications supporting the teaching and learning needs of the School of Computing and Information Systems. This includes mobile applications; web applications and back end databases.


Reproducibility assessment in IDEA Groups for Open Research (RIGOR) has been funded by the Defence Advance Research Platform Activities (DARPA) to explore the repeatability of science through an online collaborative platform. This is a large-scale collaboration with the School of Biosciences at the University of Melbourne.


Science of Learning (SoL) has been funded by researchers in the Melbourne Graduate School of Education to develop a web-based platform to support research into education and especially interventions that can improve educational outcomes.

SEMA3 – mobile application for social science surveys
SEMA3 – mobile application for social science surveys

SEMA3 – mobile application for social science surveys is a project to develop mobile applications and associated web application and back end database for delivery of survey instruments. This is a collaboration with researchers in the School of Psychological Sciences.

Capacity Planning/725 Squadron
Capacity Planning/725 Squadron

Capacity Planning/725 Squadron is a commercial project funded by the Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO) that runs from September 2018 to May 2019. The focus of this work is in extensions and refinements of a scheduling system for training and tracking of the defence force personnel in Australia. This provides an Australia-wide system that can support current and future training needs and demands of personnel in the army, navy and airforce. This work also includes support for mobile applications.

SCIS Phase 2
SCIS Phase 2

School of Computing and Information Systems Teaching and Learning Support (SCIS) Phase 2 – is a project to extend a range of applications supporting the teaching and learning needs of the School of Computing and Information Systems. This includes mobile applications; web applications and back end databases.


Helicopter Aircrew Training System (HATS) Infrastructure Development Phase V is a commercial project funded by the Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO) that runs from September 2018 to May 2019. The focus of this work is in extensions and refinements of a scheduling system for training and tracking of helicopter pilots required by the defence forces of Australia. This will provide an Australia-wide system that can support current and future training needs and demands of helicopter pilots in the army, navy and airforce. This work also includes support for mobile applications.

Unforgettable Me
Unforgettable Me

Unforgettable Me is a project to develop an iOS mobile application to capture samples of the locations of individuals. This is a collaboration with researchers in the School of Psychological Sciences and builds on the Unforgettable.Me app.


Early environmental determinants of pancreatic islet autoimmunity: a pregnancy to early life cohort study in children at risk of type-1 diabetes (ENDIA) was funded by JDRF to establish an infrastructure for collecting information on pregnant women at risk of having children that go on to develop type-1 diabetes. This project extends the work for a further year.


School of Computing and Information Systems Teaching and Learning Support (SCIS) is a project to extend a range of applications supporting the teaching and learning needs of the School of Computing and Information Systems. This includes mobile applications; web applications and back end databases.

First 1000 Days (F1000Days)
First 1000 Days (F1000Days)

First 1000 Days (F1000Days) is a project with researchers in the the School of Population Health. This work involves development of a web and mobile application and associated data infrastructure to track the first 1000 days of indigenous families in Australia. This is a longitudinal study that is expected to run for many years.

Enabling a living lab for urban mobility and adaptive space use (LUMAS)
Enabling a living lab for urban mobility and adaptive space use (LUMAS)

Enabling a living lab for urban mobility and adaptive space use (LUMAS) is a project involving several groups around the University to provide secure, privacy-oriented access to data collected from the University wifi network. This will allow patterns of use around the University to be exploredm, e.g. crowd trajectory patterns, in a secure and privacy-oriented manner

SEMA – mobile application for social science surveys
SEMA – mobile application for social science surveys

SEMA – mobile application for social science surveys is a project to develop mobile applications and associated web application and back end database for delivery of survey instruments. This is a collaboration with researchers in the School of Psychological Sciences.

CRC for Low Carbon Living (CRC-LCL)
CRC for Low Carbon Living (CRC-LCL)

CRC for Low Carbon Living (CRC-LCL) is a project with researchers in the Faculty of Architecture Building and Planning that focuses on development of a web application supporting research into a range of aspects of urban living that has impact on low carbon living.

Netlogo and Repast Web Application
Netlogo and Repast Web Application

Netlogo and Repast Web Application is a project with researchers in the Faculty of Architecture Building and Planning that focuses on development of web applications supporting policy research in urban environments.

Complex System’s Modeling Platform (CSMP++) Phase III: CSMP Phase III
Complex System’s Modeling Platform (CSMP++) Phase III: CSMP Phase III

Complex System’s Modeling Platform (CSMP++) Phase III: CSMP Phase III extends the original work undertaken in supporting a hybrid finite element – finite volume tool for solving multi-physics problems in geometrically complex spaces. This work includes establishment of a new build and deployment environment including support for Cloud and GPU exploitation with advanced user interfaces.

Development and Application of a Novel Online Repeated Cognitive Assessment (ORCA) project
Development and Application of a Novel Online Repeated Cognitive Assessment (ORCA) project

Development and Application of a Novel Online Repeated Cognitive Assessment (ORCA) project has been funded to extend a range of cognitive tests used for assessing the mental abilities of individuals and especially those with Alzheimers. This system includes capture of basic demographic information and includes tests such as learning pairings of English words with Chinese characters and learning pairings of bird pictures with bird songs.

Cognition Treatments Article Library and Evaluation (CogTale) Extension
Cognition Treatments Article Library and Evaluation (CogTale) Extension

Cognition Treatments Article Library and Evaluation (CogTale) Extension is a project that runs from July 2018 – June 2020. The CogTale platform is a research and knowledge translation/dissemination tool focused on evidence for the efficacy of cognitive interventions for older adults. At the core of the CogTale is a comprehensive database of methodological features and summary results from all relevant trials in the field with support for automated meta-analysis.

Victorian Flu Surveillance Extension
Victorian Flu Surveillance Extension

Victorian Flu Surveillance Extension has been funded by the Doherty Institute at the University of Melbourne to enhance a platform support surveillance of flu outbreaks across Victoria. This system is to be used by GPs to record patients with flu and/or flu-like systems.

Galiwin’ku Accommodation Survey iPad Application
Galiwin’ku Accommodation Survey iPad Application

Galiwin’ku Accommodation Survey iPad Application has been funded from February to May 2018 for researchers in Medicine. The work focuses on the development of an iPad application for capturing information on sleeping arrangements of indigenous communities in the Northern Territories of Australia. This includes back-end database and user analytics support..

Metabolomics Australia Data Analytics Support
Metabolomics Australia Data Analytics Support

Metabolomics Australia Data Analytics Support is a project funded by the Bio21 Institute through their involvement in Bio-platforms Australia. The grant runs from March 2018 – February 2019. This platform is used for data and analysis/suport of metabolomics data associated with the MASTR-MS and MAMBO-MS research platforms.

Fractures and bisphosphonates
Fractures and bisphosphonates

Fractures and bisphosphonates: reviving osteoporosis treatment uptake by identifying the genetic, material, and microstructural risk factors of atypical femur fractures has been funded by the NHMRC. The project runs from 2018-2021 and focuses on supporting bone/osteoporosis related research communities including researchers in Australia and Europe.

Macular Degeneration – Clinical Care Audit Tool (MaD-CCAT)
Macular Degeneration – Clinical Care Audit Tool (MaD-CCAT)

Macular Degeneration – Clinical Care Audit Tool (MaD-CCAT) is a project that runs from October 2017 – March 2018. This project focuses on the extraction and use of a range of data sets from optometry practices that will be used for assessing adherence to best practice guidelines for macular degeneration.

Cognition Treatments Article Library and Evaluation (CogTale)
Cognition Treatments Article Library and Evaluation (CogTale)

Cognition Treatments Article Library and Evaluation (CogTale) is a project that runs from July 2017 – March 2018. The CogTale platform is a research and knowledge translation/dissemination tool focused on evidence for the efficacy of cognitive interventions for older adults. At the core of the CogTale is a comprehensive database of methodological features and summary results from all relevant trials in the field. The CoTOR strives to be the most detailed source of information on design and methodology of relevant trials.

University of Melbourne 88 Day Backpackers project
University of Melbourne 88 Day Backpackers project

University of Melbourne 88 Day Backpackers project is an internally funded project that runs from October to December 2017. The project has been established to develop a prototype system for migrant workers and farmers. The aim is to develop a platform that allows individual backpackers to find work and accommodation that is offered by farmers, initially in rural Victoria.


Cognition Oriented Treatments Online Repository (COTOR) is a project that runs from July 2017 – March 2018. The CoTOR is a research and knowledge translation/dissemination tool focused on evidence for the efficacy of cognitive interventions for older adults. At the core of the CoTOR will be a comprehensive database of methodological features and summary results from all relevant trials in the field. The CoTOR strives to be the most detailed source of information on design and methodology of relevant trials.


University of Melbourne Research Capability Mapping (RCM) project is an internally funded project that runs from September to December 2017. The RCM project has been established to develop a tool that will allow the University of Melbourne to better understand the capability it has within its researchers, and research partnerships. The tool will be used in multiple scenarios – however, the initial focus of the project will be to develop a prototype that acts in support of the Business Development (commercialising research) group. The additional scenarios will include: Institutional (whole of UoM); Divisional (faculties/institutes); and, Individual (the researchers/academics). The work will be initially be driven by University academic related research publications but will eventually include grants and other activities.


Helicopter Aircrew Training System (HATS) Infrastructure Development Phase IV is a commercial project funded by the Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO) that runs from September 2017 to May 2018. The focus of this work is in extensions and refinements of a scheduling system for training and tracking of helicopter pilots required by the defence forces of Australia. This will provide an Australia-wide system that can support current and future training needs and demands of helicopter pilots in the army, navy and airforce. This work also includes support for mobile applications.

Drone analytics platform Phase II
Drone analytics platform Phase II

Drone analytics platform Phase II has been funded by the University of Melbourne to support data analysis of crop data captured through unmanned aerial vehicles (drones). This platform will be used to process aerial data on crops using large-scale Cloud infrastructure. This work will be used for example to identify crop issues and ways in which improved agricultural methods can be supported .


Complex System’s Modeling Platform (CSMP++) Phase II: CSMP Phase II extends the original work undertaken in supporting a hybrid finite element – finite volume tool for solving multi-physics problems in geometrically complex spaces. This work includes establishment of a new build and deployment environment including support for Cloud and GPU exploitation with advanced user interfaces.


University Languages Portal Australia (ULPA). Is a project supporting the discovery of language-related educational courses offered across Australia.

Metabolomics Australia Sample Tracking Repository
Metabolomics Australia Sample Tracking Repository

Metabolomics Australia Sample Tracking Repository is a project funded by the Bio21 Institute through their involvement in Bio-platforms Australia. The grant runs from July 2017 – December 2017. This platform is for use in the tracking of physical bio-specimens and the associated metabolomics data analysis for researchers across Australia. PRESS are responsible for augmenting the existing platform for improved sample management including export to internationally standardised data formats as well as mobile applications for tracking of samples and delivery of results.


Smartly-aggregated Wiki-style Argument Marshalling (SWARM) has been funded ($18m) by the US Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA) to develop a platform to support improved crowd-based argumentation. This work includes natural language processing, machine learning and advanced data analytics to support the collection and analysis of crowd-sourced data. The goals are to support better decisions through extraction of arguments from the crowd with specific focus on aiding geopolitical analysis and decision-making.

Drone analytics platform
Drone analytics platform

Drone analytics platform has been funded by the University of Melbourne to support data analysis of crop data captured through unmanned aerial vehicles (drones). This platform will be used to process aerial data on crops using large-scale Cloud infrastructure. This work will be used for example to identify crop issues and ways in which improved agricultural methods can be supported .

Victorian Flu Surveillance Network
Victorian Flu Surveillance Network

Victorian Flu Surveillance Network has been funded by the Doherty Institute at the University of Melbourne to develop a platform support surveillance of flu outbreaks across Victoria. This system is to be used by GPs to record patients with flu and/or flu-like systems.

Supporting the Centre for Systems Genomics
Supporting the Centre for Systems Genomics

Supporting the Centre for Systems Genomics has been funded to support the research-oriented IT needs of the Centre for Systems Genomics (SysGen) at the University of Melbourne. This includes web-enabling existing bioinformatics applications and databases crossing the whole -omics space, and setting up systems and processes for continuous software delivery to diverse biomedical research communities.

Cognitive Platform for Population Health Research Communities
Cognitive Platform for Population Health Research Communities

Cognitive Platform for Population Health Research Communities has been funded to develop a range of cognitive tests for assessing the mental abilities of individuals and especially those with Alzheimers. This system includes capture of basic demographic information and includes tests such as learning pairings of English words with Chinese characters and learning pairings of bird pictures with bird songs.

Enhancing Support for the NeCTAR Research Cloud Biomedical Communities
Enhancing Support for the NeCTAR Research Cloud Biomedical Communities

Enhancing Support for the NeCTAR Research Cloud Biomedical Communities has been funded to extend a range of mobile applications to support the NeCTAR-funded endocrine genomics virtual laboratory (endoVL) along with development and support for microbiome database solutions.

Mobile applications for Patients with Neuroendocrine Tumours
Mobile applications for Patients with Neuroendocrine Tumours

Mobile applications for Patients with Neuroendocrine Tumours is a project to develop patient-focused mobile applications (both iOS and Android) for patients with neuroendocrine tumours to record a variety of information on their quality of life. This system includes support for secure storage and visualisation of data and its combination with other clinical and treatment data sets.


Mobile applications for Patients with Non-Aldesterone Producing Cortical Adrenal Adenomas (NAPACApp) is a project to develop patient-focused mobile applications (both iOS and Android) for patients with adrenal tumours. The apps allow to record a variety of information on patient quality of life. This system includes support for secure storage and visualisation of data and its combination with other clinical and treatment data sets.


Helicopter Aircrew Training System (HATS) Infrastructure Development is a commercial project funded by the Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO) that runs from September 2016 to May 2017. The focus of this work is in extensions and refinements of a scheduling system for training and tracking of helicopter pilots required by the defence forces of Australia. This will provide an Australia-wide system that can support current and future training needs and demands of helicopter pilots in the army, navy and airforce. This work also includes support for mobile applications.

ARCHER Victorian Historical Population Register
ARCHER Victorian Historical Population Register

ARCHER Victorian Historical Population Register is focused on developing a web-based database to support access to and transcription of historical data sets (scanned and typically hand-written images) from Victoria including birth certificates, death certificates and marriage certificates. This includes citizen science transcription capabilities and advanced visualisation capabilities of the results.

Environment Determinants of Islet Auto-Immunity mobile applications
Environment Determinants of Islet Auto-Immunity mobile applications

Environment Determinants of Islet Auto-Immunity mobile applications is a project funded by the University of Adelaide to develop patient-focused mobile applications (both iOS and Android) to capture longitudinal dietary information on pregnant women at risk of having children that go on to develop type-1 diabetes.

Secure Data Solutions for NeCTAR Research Cloud Biomedical Communities
Secure Data Solutions for NeCTAR Research Cloud Biomedical Communities

Secure Data Solutions for NeCTAR Research Cloud Biomedical Communities has been funded to develop a range of mobile applications to support the NeCTAR-funded endocrine genomics virtual laboratory (endoVL) along with genomic/variant and microbiome database solutions.


Australian Genomics Health Alliance (AGHA) is a national platform that has been funded by the NHMRC ($25m) and runs from November 2015 to December 2020. AGHA is a national network that seeks to embed genomics data analysis and education into mainstream clinical practice. The work focuses especially on flagship diseases including cancer and rare diseases.

Metabolomics Australia Sample Tracking Repository
Metabolomics Australia Sample Tracking Repository

The Metabolomics Australia Sample Tracking Repository is a project funded by the Bio21 Institute through their involvement in Bio-platforms Australia. The grant runs from January 2016 – December 2016. This platform is for use in the tracking of physical bio-specimens and the associated metabolomics data analysis for researchers across Australia. PRESS are responsible for augmenting the existing platform for improved sample management including export to internationally standardised data formats as well as mobile applications for tracking of samples and delivery of results.


Australian Diabetes Data Network Phase II (ADDN2) has been funded ($2m) by the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) to extend the existing ADDN system (see below) to other paediatric and adult hospitals across Australia. This project runs to end of December 2018 and will include data feeds from over 20 hospitals across Australia. PRESS are the primary software developers that have established the national registry that includes data from a multitude of hospitals. Unlike other systems, this data does not require manual data entry. Rather, data is extracted from hospital systems directly and integrated into the national registry that is hosted at the University of Melbourne. This work supports both the Australian Diabetes Society (ADS) and the Australian Paediatric Endocrine Group (APEG) .


Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) provides a secure, web-based registry for recording of clinical observations and treatments of patients with polycystic ovaries. This includes support for investigations and trials associated with these patients including use of physical biospecimens. The system also includes support for patient self-reporting through the targeted delivery of mobile applications (both iOS and Android applications) that allow patients to record their own patient reported information in advance of meeting with doctors in clinics. A range of hospitals and clinical centres in the UK is currently evaluating the system.


Omics-based strategies for improved diagnosis and treatment of endocrine hypertension (ENSAT-HT) is a large European grant ($12m total grant) that has been funded under the Horizon 2020 research initiative across Europe, with monies from PRESS made available through the NHMRC and investments by the University of Melbourne. PRESS are the primary software developers that are tasked with supporting all aspects of the clinical collaboration including the patient databases, the data linkage and sample management systems. This project builds upon the highly successful ENSAT-CANCER project (see below). The project runs to May 2020 and includes a major clinical trial involving over 4000 patients suffering from secondary hypertension.


European Research Network in Rare Diseases (ERA-NET) is project funded by the University of Munich, University of Würzburg and Cochin Hospital Paris to support research into rare adrenal cancer diseases. The work is closely connected to the ENSAT-CANCER project. PRESS deliver all of the underlying IT to support these collaborations.


Combined 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) positron emission tomography (PET) and 123I-Iodometomidate (123I-IMTO) Imaging for Adrenal Neoplasia (FAMIAN Study) is a large multi-centre clinical trial funded by the Dutch Research Foundation as part of the ENSAT-CANCER platform that focuses on a large targeted imaging study. The PRESS team are responsible for all of the IT systems associated with the clinical study including the electronic Case Report Forms (eCRFs), the patient databases, the sample management and the underpinning security systems.


Centre for Research Excellence in Protection of Pancreatic Beta Cells (CRE-PPBC) is a large multi-centre project funded ($2.5m) by the NHMRC in January 2015. The focus of this CRE is in the factors that are associated with onset of Type 1 diabetes. The PRESS team are the sole software providers of the underpinning IT platform for researchers across Australia. The project runs to the end of 2018.


Type-1 Diabetes Clinical Trials Research Network (T1DCRN) is a large grant ($7.8m) that has been funded by the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) and the Helmsley Charity Trust (HCT). The work commenced in early 2015 and involves supporting a large clinical trial of 1400 pregnant women at risk of having children developing Type-1 Diabetes. In particular the work focuses on the environmental factors that might influence the onset of Type-1 Diabetes. The PRESS team are the sole software providers of the underpinning IT platform for researchers across Australia. This includes the (eCRFs), the databases and the underpinning security. The project runs to the end of 2018.


An EU rare diseases registry for Niemann-Pick Disease type A, B and C (INPDR) is an international registry that supports research into the rare but typically fatal Niemann-Pick diseases (types A, B and C). Researchers currently use this system across the globe since it provides a critical mass of data on patients (typically children) with Niemann-Pick that hitherto did not exist. The registry including extensive phenotypic/clinical information including treatments, assessments and patient follow up, as well as targeted variant data resources incorporating the first global set of variants associated with Niemann-Pick disease. The system also supports patient self-registration and self-reporting and has resulted in a range of novel mobile applications (games) that can be used for data capture as an artefact of game playing, e.g. by using the accelerometer to measure balance whilst playing games requiring tilting/manipulation of the mobile phone.


Australian Diabetes Data Network (ADDN) was funded ($2m) by the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) and the Australian Paediatric Endocrinology Group (APEG) in April 2013. The project established the first Australia-wide paediatric type-1 diabetes registry. This system includes data extracted from a range of major hospitals/diabetes centres across Australia. PRESS developed the registry and all of the software for processing and extracting the (heterogeneous) data from hospital systems.


Diagnostic Manual for the International League Against Epilepsy Classification and Terminology Commission (ILAE) was established in 2012 by the PRESS team. It provides a unique resource for training clinical researchers in the many manifestations of epilepsy. The system developed includes a unique collection of over 100 videos and associated ECGs of individuals (typically children) undergoing the many forms of epileptic events with associated clinical annotations and education materials describing these events and their diagnosis. This resource is now used globally with several thousand doctors and clinicians using this to better understand epilepsy and seizures more generally.


Early environmental determinants of pancreatic islet autoimmunity: a pregnancy to early life cohort study in children at risk of type-1 diabetes (ENDIA) was funded ($150k) by the University of Adelaide in 2012 to establish the initial infrastructure for collecting information on pregnant women at risk of having children that go on to develop type-1 diabetes. This system is now used for an extensive range of type-1 diabetes follow on projects (see above).

PMT study
PMT study

A multi-center prospective study of biochemical profiles of monoamine-producing tumours: utility for diagnosis and determinants of clinical presentation (PMT study) commenced in 2011 and focused upon the support for a full four phase multi-centre clinical trial involving 2400 patients across Europe with adrenal tumours. The PRESS team established all of the electronic Case Report Forms (eCRFs), the patient databases, the clinical trial processes, the sample management and the underpinning security systems.


European Network Study of Adrenal Tumours for Cancer (ENS@T CANCER) : is a 5-year €6M project that began in 2011. The project was focused on the delivery of a complete virtual research environment for adrenal cancer research and clinical provision. This includes establishment of a range of adrenal tumour databases including adrenocortical carcinoma (ACC) and malignant pheochromocytomas (MPH)); treatment strategies for patients with different tumour types; the ‘omic data processing associated with biosamples from these patients; imaging analysis for those patients, and support for several large scale clinical trials with cohorts of 2500 patients in each. The ultimate aim of the project was to enhance research in the field of adrenal cancers to improve diagnosis and treatment abilities. The system currently has over 100 cancer centres involved globally; has over 8500 patients (noting that adrenal tumours such as ACC are extremely rare!) and supports over 20 major clinical trials and networks. It is fair to say that the ENS@T CANCER systems have galvanised international research into adrenal tumours. Several follow on projects from ENS@T CANCER have since been funded, e.g. ENSAT-HT.


EuroRare Diabetes: An EU rare diseases registry for Wolfram, Alstrom and Bardet Biedl syndrome (EuroWABB): is a €1M project which began in 2011 to support European-wide research-oriented collaboration into a range of rare diabetes-related diseases – specifically Wolfram, Alstrom and Bardet Biedl. The work primarily focused upon collaborative networking and data sharing for clinicians dealing with these patients and biomedical researchers wishing to better understand the genetics and molecular mechanisms underlying these diseases. This registry was originally established at the University of Glasgow, but has now been migrated to the University of Melbourne.


Atypical Femur Fractures (AFF) is a clinical data registry that is used for capturing clinical and biomedical data on patients with atypical femur fractures – a rare condition that is often associated with medications that are taken that result in brittle bones. The PRESS team have developed the system and are responsible for the database, eCRFs and associated security demands of the community.


International Disorders of Sex Development (I-DSD): was funded for 5-years (750k€) in 2011 by the UK Medical Research Council to support the continued support of DSD. This system is now used globally and offers a unique resource into rare DSD disorders. A paper describing the output of I-DSD is given here.


Agile Simulation of Aircrew Training Continuum (ASATC) Phase II is a commercial project funded by the Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO) that runs from July 2016 to June 2017. The focus of this work is in extensions and refinements of a scheduling system for training and tracking of helicopter pilots required by the defence forces of Australia. This will provide an Australia-wide system that can support current and future training needs and demands of helicopter pilots in the army, navy and airforce. This work also includes support for mobile applications.


Public Record’s Office Victoria (PROV) is focused on developing the technical infrastructure for (PROV) to manage their data/metadata in a scalable architecture. This includes practical deployment and documentation/training on the optimal use of technologies such as MongoDB and Solr for data management, storage and associated analytics.


Complex System’s Modeling Platform (CSMP++) provides a hybrid finite element – finite volume tool for solving multi-physics problems in geometrically complex spaces. This work includes establishment of a new build and deployment environment including support for Cloud and GPU exploitation with advanced user interfaces.


Agile Simulation of Aircrew Training Continuum (ASATC) is a commercial project funded by the Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO) that runs from October 2015 to June 2017. The focus of this work is in a scheduling system for training and tracking of helicopter pilots required by the defence force of Australia. PRESS are involved in development of an Australia-wide system that can support current and future training needs and demands of helicopter pilots.


ARC LIEF Atmospheric integrated research on burdens and oxidative capacity (Airbox) has been funded by the Australian Research Council ($630k) in 2015. Airbox will provide a custom built shipping container that will provide mobile atmospheric chemistry observations. This will allow for state-of-the-art observations of composition, physical parameters and aerosols relevant for international environmental treaties on air-quality, mercury, ozone depleting substances and greenhouse gases. The PRESS team are responsible for the underlying IT infrastructures that will support scientific data capture, data transport (telemetry), data analytics and visualisation of the data on servers at the University of Melbourne. A challenge of this work is the remoteness of the locations and the lack of / restricted internet that is available in those remote locations, especially with the volume of data sets that will be captured.


Security as a Service for the Cloud (SECaaS) was funded ($225k) by the National eResearch Collaboration Tools and Resources (NeCTAR) project in October 2014. The focus of this project was on encryption/decryption technologies for the Cloud that meets the needs and expectations of the clinical/post-genomic research community. This work also included the development and support of capabilities for secure data deletion, i.e. deleting data from the Cloud so that it can never be recovered. This work involved a close collaboration with CSIRO and the life science community at the University of Melbourne, and focused on extensions to the TrustStore security platform.


Development of an integrated, distributed clinical research database for spinal cord injury, Victorian Traffic Accident Commission (SpinalCare) commenced in 2012 and has now established a national database of information on individuals that have incurred a range of spinal injuries. This includes details such as accident information, hospital/treatment information and subsequent follow up information on the patients when they return to society and the challenges they face.


An Analytical Platform for the Integration of VicHealth Indicators Survey and Spatial Objective Contextual Data (VicHealth) commenced in 2013 as part of the AURIN project. The VicHealth system provides seamless and secure access to unit level data from the Department of Health in Victoria through a unique location identity-protecting manner. A paper describing this solution is available here.


Biomedical Research Informatics Delivered by Grid Enables Services project (BRIDGES): was funded by the UK Government Department of Trade and Industry and completed at the end of 2005. It’s focus was on the incremental development of a Grid infrastructure supporting the secure, transparent federation of biomedical databases within the framework of the large Wellcome Trust biomedical research project Cardiovascular Functional Genomics exploring genetic causes of hypertension and schizophrenia. BRIDGES developed an extensive e-Infrastructure for access to and usage a multitude of large-scale compute resources consisting of heterogeneous job scheduling systems including the UK National Grid Service and many other resources. BRIDGES also applied open source data access and integration technologies as well as commercial data integration technologies (IBM’s Information Integrator) for large-scale access to functional genomics data sets. Security considerations formed a cornerstone of BRIDGES and fine-grained authorisation infrastructures for compute and data grids were rolled out and successfully exploited.


Grid Enabled Microarray Expression Profile Service (GEMEPS): was funded by the UK BBSRC and completed in 2008. The focus of GEMEPS was on access to and usage of microarray data sets in a truly international setting. The GEMEPS project was based on collaboration between the University of Glasgow, Cornell University in the US and the Riken Institute in Japan. GEMEPS focused on access to and usage of microarray data sets, which have their own IP and commercial values.


Scottish Bioinformatics Research Network (SBRN): was funded by Scottish Funding Councils and Scottish Enterprise ran to 2010. SBRN aimed to develop an advanced e-Infrastructure across Scotland for biomedical research including the development and roll out of a rich portfolio of bioinformatics applications. This project supports the both the HPC and data Grid aspects of this proposal including exploration and usage of resources such as the National Grid Service and data access and integration technologies.


Drug Discovery Portal (DDP): the DDP project involved a collaboration with the pharmaceutical group at the University of Strathclyde that focused on the development of a drug discovery portal supporting a molecular modeling laboratory using quantum chemical and thermodynamic based approaches to drug design. This portal dramatically sped up computational problems of pharmaceutical relevance utilizing a virtual foot-printing technique designed to identify agents that target specific gene sequences through software that explores the fundamental role of water structure in ligand binding. New DNA targeting agents were developed by combining novel analytical methods for assessment of DNA binding with synthetic chemistry, NMR studies and molecular modeling. Computer-aided drug design was also employed in the rational design of small molecules aimed at characterising ligand-protein interactions. The work also incorporated the manipulation of EGFR crystal structure, rational drug design, synthetic chemistry and in collaboration with cell biology groups, examination of synthesised ligands in biologically relevant cell-based assays.


Pharming of microRNA (mRNA): in collaboration with the Department of Pathology at the University of Glasgow, the NeSC at Glasgow developed a collection of tools to support the processing of large scale, high throughput microRNA data sets (typically tens of millions of short sequences of known and unknown origins). These data sets included cancerous data samples that have been treated over particular time windows. Through monitoring the changes in abundance of these sequences in specific time windows, the project showed that targeting of the effectiveness of drugs could be better understood and new genetic information gleaned, i.e. new genes that may be responsible for the changes in microRNA abundance.

Grid-enabled Biochemical Pathway Simulator
Grid-enabled Biochemical Pathway Simulator

Grid-enabled Biochemical Pathway Simulator was a system developed that supported large-scale simulation of biochemical networks to allow insight and understanding about the underlying biochemical processes and pathways used by cells and organisms. A paper describing this system is available here.

Modelling, Inference and Analysis for Biological Systems up to the Cellular Level
Modelling, Inference and Analysis for Biological Systems up to the Cellular Level

Modelling, Inference and Analysis for Biological Systems up to the Cellular Level was funded by the BBSRC in the UK and provided a high performance computing resource used to meet the computational demands of the bioinformatics/biological community.


Research Data Storage Infrastructure (VicNode), funded ($3.2m) by the federal government Department of Education (it was formerly funded by the Department of Innovation, Industry, Science (also formerly known as DIISRTE/DIISR) through the Education Investment Fund (EIF) and the National Collaboration Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS) activities. VicNode provides large-scale data storage systems that underpin a range of research activities across Australia with specific focus on Victorian researchers. The facility has been established and managed by the University of Melbourne and Monash.


Meeting the Design Challenges of nanoCMOS Electronics (nanoCMOS): The nanoCMOS project WAS a £5.3M UK e-Science pilot project that began in 2006 that focused on how the electronics domain could gain benefit through the Grid. The intention of the project was to address the research challenges in dealing with transistors of increasingly small dimensions where atomistic effects cannot be ignored, and supporting a much wider transistor design space. Key aspects of this project included intellectual property protection. The electronics domain demands protection of intellectual property of data, designs and processes. Similarly, the software used in this domain was extremely expensive and typically license protected. An example paper from nanoCMOS is available here.


Real time River Pollution Identification using Animal Behavioural Models (ALARM) was funded ($560k) by the Victorian Department of Business and Innovation as part of the Broadband Enabled Innovation Program in 2011. Together with environmental researchers at the University of Melbourne, the PRESS team established the software and hardware infrastructure for real-time data acquisition of pollution events across the waterways of Victoria. This required a unique hardware/software solution that included video capture/processing, water quality sensor detection information (on water quality) and geospatial analytics on the associated streamed data to identify potential pollution events. The system was unique in that it had to work “in the field” without dedicated power and often without Internet. A paper describing this system is available here.


European Society for Paediatric Endocrinology (ESPE) Disorder of Sex Development (DSD) Register: was a pilot study (20k€) that explored the creation of a secure internet based register and sharing of a uniform dataset across a group of paediatric endocrine centres across Europe. This proof of concept system was developed in 6 weeks and ultimately resulted in the galvanisation of the DSD community across Europe and the subsequent highly successful EuroDSD project.


Investigation of the molecular pathogenesis and pathophysiology of Disorders of Sex Development (EuroDSD): was funded for 3-years (3m€) through the EU FW7 in 2008. EuroDSD established a clinical data registry and research environment to support all aspects of rare sex diseases. The EuroDSD project included clinical partners from across Europe and has (up to now!) recruited over 1300 DSD cases. The technologies and standard operating procedures and processes for data collection, data access and usage in EuroDSD were widely endorsed by independent ethic oversight committees. Importantly many non-funded clinical and research collaborators are involved in EuroDSD. A paper describing one of the outputs of EuroDSD is available here.


Advanced Arterial Hypotension Adverse Event prediction through a Novel Bayesian Neural Network (AvertIT): was funded for 3-years (2m€) through the EU FW7 in 2008. The goals of AvertIT were to develop bed-side brain trauma systems that allow prediction of hypotensive events across 6 major neurological centres across Europe. Through integrating a variety of heterogeneous clinical data sets including real-time patient monitoring data sets (blood pressure, ECG etc), demographic data sets and laboratory/treatment data, and exploiting algorithms that have been trained through novel Bayesian algorithms, it is expected that hypotensive events in brain trauma patients can be identified with a 15 minute time window. This project undertook a large-scale multicentre clinical trial to judge the validity of the models put forward for adverse event prediction. A paper describing the output of AvertIT is given here.


DSDnetwork: This proof of concept project developed a clinical framework to co-ordinate efforts into disorders of sex development across Australasia. This work included establishment of appropriate databases and secure portal based access to a range of clinical and genetic information on DSD patients. It leveraged much of the EuroDSD work.


AlstromUk: focused on establishing a clinical research environment to support both the clinical and associated research communities working in better understanding Alstrom Syndrome. A key aspect of this work was developing an infrastructure that supports wider outreach to the parents and guardians of Alstrom patients.


Diagnosing Parkinson’s Disease by neuromuscular function evaluation (DiPAR): this €1.7M EU funded project began in 2011 and developed a pen/tablet based system that could be used by researchers to detect the early onset of Parkinsons disease through algorithms trained to detect indicative neuromuscular tremors. The project worked with a range of health care providers in undertaking this activity, including research nurses, specialised clinics and a range of neurological centres.


Endocrine Genomics Virtual Laboratory (endoVL) was funded ($1.03m) in 2013 by the National eResearch Collaboration Tools and Resources (NeCTAR) project. The project established a range of targeted disease registries associated with rare diseases (Disorders of Sex Development, Niemann-Pick types A, B and C, Adrenal Tumours, Alstrom, Wolfram, Bardet Biedl and Atypical Femur Fractures); more common disorders such as type-1 diabetes; a range of clinical trials and integrated genomic data processing pipelines on the Cloud. The endoVL project has provided the basis for a range of new grants and activities such as MGHA, AGHA and ENDIA. It has also provided demonstrations for how large-scale genomic data processing on the Cloud can be achieved, whilst recognising the sensitivities in information governance associated with genomic data. Example publications from endoVL on the project as a whole are given here, whilst the Cloud security solutions are outlined here.


ESP-Grid was based on collaboration with the University of Oxford. The work focused on development of a demonstrator showing how Shibboleth could be used for access to and usage of Grid services. This included support for linkage of Shibboleth and services with advanced authorisation infrastructures to support single sign-on across multiple consortium clinical resources. A paper describing the outputs of ESP-Grid is given here.


GLASgow university early adoption of Shibboleth (GLASS): was concerned with the exploration and uptake of Shibboleth technologies across the university of Glasgow, building upon a unified institutional account management system. A key focus of GLASS was exploring Shibboleth technologies in a Grid environment and numerous scenarios were explored showing how advanced authorisation infrastructures could be seamlessly linked in forming trusted federations including access to and usage of brain trauma data sets at Glasgow Southern General Hospital and a range of e-learning scenarios. A paper describing the outputs of GLASS is given here.


Dynamic Virtual Organisations for e-Science Education (DyVOSE): explored advanced security infrastructures for e-Science education. DyVOSE showed how advanced authorization infrastructures could be seamlessly linked to a range of e-Resources, and importantly how such security infrastructures could be dynamically established and rolled out on a federated virtual organisation basis (without assuming a centralized authorization service model as per other efforts). This is much aligned with scalable e-Research models. Through this model we were able to dynamically establish fine-grained security driven virtual organizations, which allow for example to address licensing issues and protection of Intellectual Property. A paper describing the outputs of DyVOSE is given here.


Open Middleware Infrastructure Institute – Security Portlets (OMII-SP) project focused on supporting fine grained security of portals exploiting Shibboleth access to and usage of e-Resources available within those portals. Through development of tailored JSR-168 compliant portlets supporting the scoping, release and recognition of digitally signed security attributes, fine-grained policies on access and usage of portal contents was achieved. A paper describing the outputs of OMII-SP is given here.


Integrating VOMS and PERMIS for Superior Grid Authorisation (VPman) project involved the integration of the Virtual Organisation Management Service (VOMS) software with the Privilege and Role Management Infrastructure Standards Validation (PERMIS) software. It showed through a range of case studies how improved security across a range of domains (including the clinical trials domain) could be supported. A paper describing the outputs of VPman is given here.


The ShinTau project focused on secure access to web resources through Shibboleth and use of multiple attribute authorities. This might be through deciding to allow access to a particular data set only if multiple separate roles exist from multiple sites for example. A paper describing the outputs of ShinTau is given here.


A Proxy Credential Auditing Infrastructure (PCAI): focused on the tracking and usage of digital resources (auditing) by distributed individuals using X509 based digital certificates. This work showed how fine grained provenance information could be captured, identifying which individuals made which requests to access which resources. A paper describing the outputs of PCAI is given here.

National Bushfire Dashboard
National Bushfire Dashboard

National Bushfire Dashboard provides a dashboard and web application with back-end infrastructure related to bushfire related data sets in Australia. This includes complete fire history data, air quality data, hospital admissions data, rare and threatened species data amongst many other data sets.

Spinal Cord Research Hub
Spinal Cord Research Hub

Spinal Cord Research Hub (SCoRH) provides a LinkedIn-style platform focused specifically on networking, collaborating and knowledge exchange in the spinal cord injury domain. This platform is now used by researchers and academics from over 100 countries.


HappyPets provides an example of applied artificial intelligence through convolutional neural networks. The app supports the classification of diverse breeds of dogs and cats as well as an assessment of their mood/emotion. The app is available on both iPhone and Android phones.


Planimation provides a modular and extensible open source framework to visualise sequential solutions of planning problems. This is used for teaching within the University of School of Computing and Information Systems at The University of Melbourne.


appEase provides a mobile application framework that can be used for diverse mindfulness apps and assessment of their outcomes.


Headspace is the National Youth Mental Health Foundation. It provides early intervention mental health services to youths and young adults. The Melbourne eResearch Group developed diverse web-solutions for Headspace.

Living Instruments
Living Instruments

Living Instruments was developed in collaboration with the Percy Grainger museum. It focuses on transforming historically rare and unique instruments into interactive and playable virtual instruments.

Motivational modelling
Motivational modelling

Motivational modelling focuses on how agent-oriented software engineering can be used to present project goals to clients at an abstract level to facilitate communication between clients and software engineering/development teams. The web application is used for teaching software engineering at the University of Melbourne.

Panel App
Panel App

Panel App focused on the deployment of the Genomic England to support the curation of gene lists by multiple users with the intent of unifying disease-associated gene lists among national sequencing initiatives. The project involved a collaboration with the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre.

Teamwork Chat Analytics
Teamwork Chat Analytics

Teamwork Chat Analytics realised a web application for researchers in the Melbourne Graduate School of Education to explore how teams collaborate. This includes diverse visualisations showing teams evolving coordination and collaboration over time.

Canvas visualisations
Canvas visualisations

Canvas visualisations involved a set of visualisations of how students use the learning management system (Canvas) at the University of Melbourne. The project involved collaborators in the School of Computing and Information Systems.

Genetic Algorithms
Genetic Algorithms

Genetic Algorithms focused on development of bespoke machine learning algorithms used for educating students in the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology. These were delivered through an enhanced Excel spreadsheet.


Drugs4Dent is the first Australian medicines information resource designed specifically for dental practitioners. The web application provides succinct, dental-relevant information for practitioners in clinical settings to understand the effect of medications on dental treatment allowing clinicians to accurately and safely prescribe.

COPD Risk Calculator
COPD Risk Calculator

COPD Risk Calculator provides a web application realising the world’s first risk calculator that predicts current and future risk of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). This project involved a collaboration with researchers in the Melbourne School of Population and Global Health.

Membership Partnership in Early Childhood
Membership Partnership in Early Childhood

Membership Partnership in Early Childhood (MPEC) platform fosters engagement in early years learning communities, where early childhood teachers, educators, leaders, directors and university academics learn from each other and co-construct knowledge. This platform was developed for researchers in the Melbourne Graduate School of Education.

CubeSat AI
CubeSat AI

CubeSat AI provides lightweight machine learning models targeted to small and adaptive satellite capabilities such as the CubeSat and use of microprocessors such as the Jetson Nano. The project is exploring how deep learning can be delivered to such satellites and allow them to be dynamically repurposed depending on the envisaged operational scenarios.

Ivermectin Study
Ivermectin Study

Ivermectin Study provides a website for a clinical study related to Covid-19 into the use of the drug Ivermectin.

Git documentation analytics
Git documentation analytics

Git documentation analytics uses documentation pages stored in GitHub repositories that refer to code elements that used to exist in the corresponding source code repository, but do not exist there anymore. The project identifies potential references to code elements in documentation pages using a set of regular expressions, and then checks for each candidate whether it existed in the source code previously but not anymore. This project was a collaboration with academics in the School of Computing and Information Systems.

Sleep apnoea and machine learning
Sleep apnoea and machine learning

Sleep apnoea and machine learning focuses on application of artificial intelligence to address sleep challenges facing spinal cord injured patients. The project involves a collaboration with academics in the School of Computing and Information Systems and from the Austin Hospital.

Early Years Toolbox
Early Years Toolbox

Early Years Toolbox provides a collection of readily accessible measures of young children’s emerging cognitive, self-regulatory, language, numeracy and social development. The system provides a game-like assessment that has been developed for the iPad.


TediPrem provides an early, intensive intervention for preterm infants born less than 32 weeks’ gestational age. It includes activity-based motor, cognitive and language play-based training and actively involves parents in order to strengthen their confidence, wellbeing and bonding with their preterm infant. The project involves a collaboration with medical researchers at The Royal Women’s Hospital.


Oximetry uses a bluetooth oximeter to non-invasively monitor patient physiological parameters such as heart rate and oxygen level. This data is captured using an iPad application and stored on a Cloud infrastructure at The University of Melbourne. The project involves a collaboration with academics in the School of Computing and Information Systems and clinicians at University of Monash University.

Cochlear implant web application
Cochlear implant web application

Cochlear implant web application provides a platform for benchmarking Cochlear ear implants to specific patients. This project involves a collaboration with academics in the School of Computing and Information Systems and Biomedical Engineering.


Halovision provides a web application supporting use of light microscopy tools to image and measure at any length scale. The project involved a collaboration with academics in the Department of Chemical Engineering at The University of Melbourne.